
Support ARM64

bitsurfr opened this issue Β· 14 comments

Hi, the Google Sheets data source does not seem to run on ARM machines. I discovered this when I was troubleshooting the "Metric request error" when trying to show sheets based data.

From the grafana logs:

During startup:
t=2020-05-06T04:13:32+0000 lvl=eror msg="Failed to start plugin" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-googlesheets-datasource error="fork/exec /var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-googlesheets-datasource/dist/gfx_sheets_linux_arm: no such file or directory"

When accessing a dashboard:
t=2020-05-06T04:05:21+0000 lvl=eror msg="Metric request error" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error="Could not find executor for data source type: grafana-googlesheets-datasource" remote_addr=[]


After some late night fiddling around I was able to build the plugin for arm. I got it working to the point where I could select which shared sheet should be used but got stuck after that. (it showed an autocomplete dropdown after a couple of seconds)


After selecting the sheet and trying to fetch data, it outputs a "exit status 2" after handling the grpc stream and I cannot figure out why it is causing the error, so I gave up πŸ˜”

Also as a side note, if someone else wants to try and build the backend part themselves, using yarn and mage is quite overkill. After you have golang installed you can simply use
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -o dist/gfx_sheets_linux_arm -tags netgo -ldflags -w ./pkg (building on your pi or similar arm device ofc)

I did modify the go.mod file to make sure the grpc version was the same grafana-plugin-sdk-go as I thought that would solve the issue:

replace ( => v1.27.1

Also when running in docker I could not use the alpine container version as the plugin was build with the glibc and I didn't want to spend extra time figuring out an alternative. Using the ubuntu container is not that much bigger but it took me a while to figure that issue out.

Maybe it can help someone that is better at golang than me πŸ˜…

v1.1.2 now has arm build.

Hi, @zoltanbedi , how about arm64 build? I can't upgrade my ubuntu arm64 on my Pi from 1.0.1 to 1.1.2

arm64 should also be there

ahh sorry, it looks like that the arm64 build not pushed to for some reason.

I was testing the Google Sheets plugin but it doesn't work for me as I get the message error "Plugin health chech failed" when I try to configure the DataSource with the generated Google Cloud Platform API Keys.
I think the error is related to the fact that I am using Grafana on an RPi 4 model B (armv71) because I have tried the same plugin in an installation on windows and it has worked perfectly.
I would greatly appreciate if someone of the community or Grafana Team (maybe @zoltanbedi ) could help me get the plugin to work on my RPi.
Thanks a lot for everything

Hi @AMG-91,
I'm not sure if it is related to that but what you can try is to build the plugin locally and use that.

Thanks for the answer @zoltanbedi . Yes, as I mentioned in a local installation on windows, the connection with Sheets has worked perfectly but I needed to do the same on RPi 4. Isn't it possible? If so, could it be included in the next plugin update?
Thanks a lot

Pushing the ARM64 is not something that we are actively working on right now so I would say that this is not going to be supported in the near future. Sorry.

Your best bet is still building the plugin yourself.

Hey, @zoltanbedi I realize you just said you're not actively working on this.

I did want to inform you that this issue is present in AWS on Graviton / Graviton2 arm64 EC2 instances. I'm planning on building the plugin for myself to work around the issue, but it may be a blocker for other folks who are trying to run on Graviton.


Thanks for the heads up. It looks like that we will pick this up sooner.

Good news everyone, the 1.1.3 google-sheet-datasource plugin is released with arm64 support! Let me know if something is not working as expected.

Great newsπŸ˜€! I just updated the version of the plugin (and Grafana) and everything works perfectly. Now it has been possible to connect to Spreadsheet and I see all the data stored. You have saved me from the problem I had. Thank you so much everyone! πŸ˜‰

πŸ‘ I can confirm my AWS Graviton installation of Grafana now works with the official build of google-sheets-datasource. Thanks @zoltanbedi for making this update!