
Error Loading plugin in Gafana 10.4.0

fatbasstard opened this issue · 15 comments

Update our Grafana from 10.3.3 to 10.4.0 (not other changes) and now hitting the following error:

Error: ✗ *rendering.RenderingService run error: Unrecognized remote plugin message: 
Failed to read any lines from plugin's stdout
This usually means
the plugin was not compiled for this architecture,
the plugin is missing dynamic-link libraries necessary to run,
the plugin is not executable by this process due to file permissions, or
the plugin failed to negotiate the initial go-plugin protocol handshake
Additional notes about plugin:
Path: /var/lib/grafana-plugins/grafana-image-renderer/plugin_start_linux_amd64
Mode: -rwxr-xr-x
Owner: 472 [grafana] (current: 472 [grafana])
Group: 0 [root] (current: 0 [root])
ELF architecture: EM_X86_64 (current architecture: amd64)

Something changed in Grafana perhaps?


Hello! I could not reproduce with Grafana 10.4.0 and the grafana-image-renderer 3.10.0 on Ubuntu.

Which version of the grafana-image-renderer are you using? How do you run Grafana (on which OS? Using kubernetes? Docker? If so, could you share your configuration file?)

I am also facing the same issue
Grafana version 10.3.3 running in portainer
grafana image renderer version 3.10.0
Using this dockerfile to build the image

Hello! I could not reproduce with Grafana 10.4.0 and the grafana-image-renderer 3.10.0 on Ubuntu.

Which version of the grafana-image-renderer are you using? How do you run Grafana (on which OS? Using kubernetes? Docker? If so, could you share your configuration file?)

Same as @MujahidRashid basically. We build our custom Docker image like this:

FROM grafana/grafana:10.4.0

RUN grafana cli --pluginsDir "$GF_PATHS_PLUGINS" --pluginUrl "" plugins install grafana-image-renderer

Update: Just build a new image with the latest Grafana (10.4.1) and the latest Image Renderer (3.10.1) in the hope that something is changed to resolve this.

No luck same error

Testing/debugging this locally is unfortately not possible for me due to the fact that I cannot run it locally (Got an Apple M1) due to missing ARM support (#7)

The default image doesn't work for me either. Then I tried with the -ubuntu image and it works.

Having same issue with the custom-built Docker image from

Grafana 10.4.1 and image renderer latest same as in the so current 3.10.2

tried changing the base image to the -ubuntu variant as @ckljohn suggested, but the error was still the same :/
Edit: my mistake, the image was not properly updated, using the -ubuntu image as base image really fixes the issue

Issue also occurs in 10.3.4 version of Grafana. Which is also released on the same day as Grafana 10.4 is released. So that's where it happened, probably not a coincidence

If this can be fixed that would be nice, we're now blocked on upgrading Grafana

Hi @fatbasstard, I'll look into this. Would the -ubuntu image like ckljohn suggested unblock you from upgrading?

Hi, I am having the same problem. I had gotten behind, so I can say that in the 10.2 series, it worked in 10.2.4 and broke in 10.2.5. Yep, same release day as 10.4.0 and 10.3.4.

Here is the repro - working - sets GRAFANA_VERSION=10.2.4

mkdir -p /tmp/work && cd /tmp/work && \
wget && \
docker build --build-arg GF_INSTALL_IMAGE_RENDERER_PLUGIN=true --build-arg GRAFANA_VERSION=10.2.4 -t grafana-plugin-test . < ./Dockerfile | tee log.txt && \
docker run --rm -e GF_LOG_LEVEL="debug" grafana-plugin-test | tee -a log.txt

Repro - broken - sets GRAFANA_VERSION=10.2.5

mkdir -p /tmp/work && cd /tmp/work && \
wget && \
docker build --build-arg GF_INSTALL_IMAGE_RENDERER_PLUGIN=true --build-arg GRAFANA_VERSION=10.2.5 -t grafana-plugin-test . < ./Dockerfile | tee log.txt && \
docker run --rm -e GF_LOG_LEVEL="debug" grafana-plugin-test | tee -a log.txt

@AgnesToulet It's not that blocking ATM that I'm changing the OS behind our Grafana setup. So we're waiting for the actual fix

Hi @fatbasstard, I'll look into this. Would the -ubuntu image like ckljohn suggested unblock you from upgrading?

Hi, How can I download -Ubuntu images?@AgnesToulet

Same problem here using the Grafana Helm chart and version 10.4.3. Using the -ubuntu container image tag makes it work

The above release fixes it for me. Thank you!

(changing the plugin install version to v3.10.5, the package to , and Grafana to v10.2.7)

Hello! Yes, we released a new asset for Alpine. You can now run the following command to install the plugin on Alpine:

        grafana-cli \
          --pluginsDir "$GF_PATHS_PLUGINS" \
          --pluginUrl \
          plugins install grafana-image-renderer; \

I opened a PR to update the custom Dockerfile with this new Alpine version.

For now, we only released a no-chromium version. Please tell us if the chromium version is needed.