Bumping io.opentelemetry:* to last version ?
mikymigs opened this issue · 6 comments
It seems that the starter is currently (as of v1.3.2) relying on v1.25 of open telemetry but the current version is 1.30.1 --> https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.opentelemetry/opentelemetry-sdk/1.30.1
Are you planning on bumping these dependencies any time soon ? I really need this fix added in v1.30.0
Thanks a lot,
You can simply bump the metrics SDK, since it's stable - I just tried it out with prometheus.
implementation 'io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-metrics:1.30.1'
The starter always uses the spring boot version of otel to avoid issues with some parts of otel that are not stable yet.
Thank you for your reply. However my primary objective was to bump all the io.opentelemetry dependencies. So I have to reference:
- opentelemetry-sdk
- opentelemetry-exporter-otlp
- opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-logs
- opentelemetry-exporter-logging
- opentelemetry-logback-appender-1.0
- opentelemetry-log4j-appender-2.17
- opentelemetry-micrometer-1.5
- opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure
- opentelemetry-resources
- opentelemetry-semconv
I would have liked to avoid adding all of these but I guess I don't have much choice.
Updating all otel dependencies in this way doesn't actually work, because bumping some of the dependencies requires changes in the starter - which I've already done locally so I don't forget.
I would like to understand better what your use case is that requires all otel dependencies to be upgraded - then we can probably work something out 😄
My use-case is simple: I like to use up to date code, especially for such libs that are still quite "young" and where each version usually brings a fair share of bug fixes and added value. I wouldn't be too picky for a few versions delay but 1.25 is almost 6 months old and there's a 6 releases gap with the latest. Now I know maintaining a lib is a lot of work, I'm not complaining, just trying to understand the constraints I must deal with.
I've actually managed to bump all the libs mentioned above and didn't face any compilation error but it's true that I most likely don't use 100% of the starter code to guaranty that there won't be any runtime issue (so far so good).
The goal of this starter is to align the versions with what spring boot is using - Spring 3.2 will update to otel 1.30.1.
The release candidate has already been released: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/wiki/Spring-Boot-3.2.0-RC1-Release-Notes
didn't face any compilation errors
I'd expect that logging will no longer work, because the global otel instance is no longer automatically injected into the log appender.
Thanks for the reply and infos.
I actually don't use the logging part (yet) of otel so that probably the reason why I'm not facing obvious issues.