
"A plugin with the specified slug already exists" show up when I submit my plugin

sangshuduo opened this issue · 2 comments

hi there,

I am trying to submit a data source (time-series database TDengine) plugin to Grafana with the new process. When I click the submit button, a msg shows up at the bottom "A plugin with the specified slug already exists" few seconds then disappeared. I did submit the plugin (#704) at an early time but it did not pass validation successfully. I don't if the error msg is related to my early submission. I wonder how to solve it now. Appreciated it if someone can help.

Shuduo | TAOS Data

This just happened to me as well trying to submit a plugin I had previously submitted the legacy way with a pull request here.

This just happened to me as well trying to submit a plugin I had previously submitted the legacy way with a pull request here.

thanks. already use the new way to submit.