
Connection to 0.8.6 fails

pasancario opened this issue · 15 comments

Hi, I've downloaded last version of influxdb-08-datasource but it seems there is a connectivity problem with Influxdb 0.8.6 instance.

I tried both (direct/Proxy) but neither of it works.


Also, error message is not really usefull. We're going to migrate to new Grafana Version with also new influxdb version but it will be impossible as we're still in and deprecated influxdb 0.8.6.

I found out - when using the direct mode and capturing the traffic in chrome, that the request URL is wrong. Eg. I got requests to instead of The fix was to include the databse right in the URL eg in your case:

Just checking what you mentioned and it is right. I can create a Datasource but when I want to use it on a graph it just doesn't work. It seems there is a problem on the request URL for the whole plugin:



So it seems query_editor.html is using a different way to query Influxdb 0.8 and is incompatible.

Same problem here with InfluxDB v0.8.8 (git: afde71e) (leveldb: 1.15).
Seems that support for InfluxDB v0.8.X is broken?

I got the same problem. And I forgot to back-up Grafana DB before moving to Grafana 3 from 2.6 so basically we're all out of dashboard right now.

@alexnederlof I was able to get it somehow running with the following tricks:

However lots of other small problems remain (query editor defaults to mean(), forgots fill(0), etc.) so for safety I toggled all queries to manual mode. Sometimes there's still problems with stacking series that go away if you zoom in or out (!). So basically they have broken support for Influx 0.8.x without much warning.

I have the same issue with influxdb 0.8.8. I cannot upgrade to grafana 3 :(

Cool @JorgeGT ! thanks. I got it working too!

@JorgeGT InfluxDB 0.8 plugin has been removed as a supported data source because InfluxDB does not support it or fix issues with it. You can always just use the old version of Grafana and InfluxDB.

the plugin might be buggy, any help with PR's for it would be great. Very few still use 0.8 so we cant spend any time on it, and we are a very small team that maintains Grafana (and get no help from InfluxDB team)

@torkelo I know that 0.8 has been deprecated by InfluxDB, and I am pretty aware of the few resources that you have and the tremendous work that you personally have been doing with Grafana, for which I am very grateful.

My only suggestion is that users should be explicitly warned that support for InfluxDB 0.8 is broken before they update to Grafana 3.x. Many (like me) will be blinded by those sweet, sweet pie charts! ;)

Cheers and keep up the good work! The new release looks fantastic beside this (marginal) issue.

I was not aware that it didn't work, it worked when I tested it before release

You can figure it working but using only raw queries without your fancy query builder as there is no autocomplete, and neither aggregations functions.

I agree with @JorgeGT , is better comunicate plugin is not fully operational to avoid upgrades from 2.6 version if you still use 0.8 version. And, I know Influxdb doesn't support also 0.8 version in their visualization tools, so you're our only hope :-)

Hi, after some research problem comes from :

  • configuration error : database, username & password are not take into account from config partial via . (Based on grafana plugins, using do the trick.)
  • URL should be http://xxxxxx/db/MyDatabase/yyyy as previous post mention.
  • bs-typeahead does not work since references to function in query_ctrl are not in scope

I will try to make a pull request with those updates.

Tested on Grafana 3.1.1 with Influxdb 0.8

See pull request #8

great work @bloublou2014


I have been using InfluxDB V0.8.2 & Grafana V1.9/V2.0 in production for server telemetry purposes since October 2014 and it has always worked fine.

This week we decided to start using Grafana V4.0.2 on a parallel system because it has some nice new features. The documentation of the InfluxDB V0.8.x data source plugin gave me an initial impression that the plugin was working relatively well... but unfortunately it is not usable. Even if you hack the connection string then several issues kept coming up in the queries so we stopped that path very quickly.

So we were forced to install the newest version of InfluxDB V1.1.1, including the new configuration of the Graphite and Collectd input plugin, on the parallel system and after modifying the InfluxDB SQL queries in Grafana I believe we are back in a stable state :)