
Alerts created by Grafana Alerting doesn't auto resolve even if the auto resolve is enabled in the code

kdhingra307 opened this issue · 0 comments

What went wrong?

What happened: Alerts are not getting auto-resolved if created via the grafana alerting

What did you expect to happen: Alerts should auto resolve if auto resolve functionality is enabled in the alerting

How do we reproduce it?

  1. Create Alert via Grafana Alerting
  2. wait for it to auto resolve
  3. Even though grafana oncall receives auto resolve message, alert is still in firing state

Grafana OnCall Version


Product Area

Alert Flow & Configuration

Grafana OnCall Platform?


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Anything else to add?

I believe the root cause of this issue is the following argument to Alert.create() in the create_alertmanager function.

While the enable_autoresolve is set to True in create_alert function