
google calendar ical

zhangh0831 opened this issue · 0 comments

What went wrong?

Using Google Calendar with the timezone set to +8. When using the Grafana Oncall Schedule in combination with importing the calendar via iCal, there is a time difference issue with the Oncall Schedule.

I use Google Calendar with the timezone set to +8 and set it for the whole day.
截圖 2024-04-18 上午11 50 33拷貝

After importing into Grafana Oncall, it was shifted back by 8 hours.

How do we reproduce it?

Create google calendar +8 and grafana oncall Import schedule from iCal Url

Grafana OnCall Version

grafana/oncall:v1.3.113,helm chart --version 1.3.113

Product Area


Grafana OnCall Platform?


User's Browser?

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Anything else to add?

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