
Shift swap request on mobile uses GMT instead of local timezone

bmalynovytch opened this issue · 3 comments

What went wrong?

What happened:

  • added a shift swap request for today from 5pm to 6pm, rendered as 3pm to 4pm (TZ Europe/Paris properly set on web and mobile)

What did you expect to happen:

  • expected to have shift swap request for 5pm to 6pm

How do we reproduce it?

  1. Open Grafana OnCall on mobile
  2. Click target schedule
  3. Click the "shift swap request" button top right
  4. Select date and time for start and end
  5. Validate

Grafana OnCall Version

mobile v1.16.0 - build 1549 | server v1.4.3

Product Area

Mobile App

Grafana OnCall Platform?


User's Browser?

No response

Anything else to add?

No response

thanks for reporting the issue @bmalynovytch
I'll reproduce it and fix, I'll keep you posted

just fixed it, it will be out in the upcoming releases
thanks again for reporting it @bmalynovytch

Wow ! That was fast ! 👏