
Create override menu is fiddly and allows for double posting

djluck opened this issue · 0 comments

What went wrong?

What happened:
I tried to create an override and it was frustrating and buggy:

  1. The hover tooltip that appears has to be navigated to swiftly and accurately otherwise it disappears. On my laptop trackpad it took me a few attempts per override before I could hit the "Override" button.
  2. When creating an override, hitting "Create" doesn't provide any feedback that the create is in progress. As such I hit "Create" multiple times and created an override multiple times!

What did you expect to happen:

  • Tooltip display logic doesn't require me to fetch a net
  • Protection against creating the same override multiple times
  • Feedback about creation of overrides

How do we reproduce it?

  1. Goto an on call schedule
  2. Attempt to override a persons rota
  3. Create a rota but hit "Create" multiple times

Grafana OnCall Version


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Grafana OnCall Platform?


User's Browser?

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Anything else to add?

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