
Clicking alert notification shows error inside mobile app if the wrong stack was selected

N3X14 opened this issue · 6 comments

What went wrong?

What happened:

  • We're using multiple Grafana Stacks (on-prem, cloud)
  • Example: Inside the app the Cloud stack is selected
  • When we then get an alert notifications for the on-prem stack, upon tapping on it, it takes you to the app and will show an error that the alert could not have been found.
  • We then have to manually switch the stack in the settings to be able to see the alerts.

What did you expect to happen:

  • The stack gets switched automatically depending on the origin of the alert, thus not throwing an error.

How do we reproduce it?

  1. Have at least 2 stacks in OnCall (App) [Cloud + on-prem in our case]
  2. Select one of them
  3. Fire an alert on the other while your screen is locked/you're outside the app
  4. Tap the notification that takes you to the app
  5. Error appears.

Grafana OnCall Version


Product Area

Mobile App

Grafana OnCall Platform?


User's Browser?

Android App version 1.16.0 (latest)

Anything else to add?

Unfortunately I have no screenshot right now. If an alert fires, I'll make sure to take one or post the exact wording of the error message here.

We're not certain if this is also broken for iOS.

I'm looking into this right now, I'll keep you posted

Thank you, appreciate it. (Un-)fortunately no alerts yet to provide a screenshot.

Don't worry we managed to reproduce it and we have a fix ready.
You'll find it in the next release (1.18.1). We're gonna push it out to the beta release (here you have the links if you want to give it a try iOS/Android) today and it will be promoted to stable on Monday.
Thanks a lot for reporting the issue!

N3X14 commented


Just had the case with Android app v1.19.0. Presumably it should have been fixed in that version?

Clicking a notification that f.e. belongs to the "on-prem" stack while having the cloud stack selected results in "Connection error" "Not found." and a "try again" button that does nothing.


hey @N3X14
we found another bug related to having multiple stacks, the latest version should work fine, it's in review by the play store and should be out shortly

N3X14 commented

Ah awesome - appreciate the information. Thank you for the prompt response!

Awesome work with OnCall!