
Manual escalation alert groups are not viewable by the creator when they are not part of the selected team

Opened this issue · 1 comments

What would you like to see!

Current behaviour

Currently when a user creates a manual escalation to another team they have no visibility on whether the external team is looking at the alert.

Users are provided with a link to the alert group however, the page results in an An unexpected error happened response leading the user to believe their escalation failed.

Desired behaviour

  1. The error page should indicate that the user does not have the required permissions to view the alert group
  2. The ability for users to view alert groups they created regardless of which team owns the alert group


Engineer 1 gets paged with an Alert Group A, acknowledges it, and then determines they need help from another team. They page Team B via the slack command /escalate and receive a link to an alert group they cannot access. How do they know the engineer has successfully responded to the message?

Product Area


Anything else to add?


Alert Group error page due to not being assigned to the target team:

Slack chatops manual escalation response:

The current version of Grafana OnCall, at the time this issue was opened, is v1.4.4. If your issue pertains to an older version of Grafana OnCall, please be sure to list it in the PR description. Thank you 😄!