
Deprecation: react-router v5

leventebalogh opened this issue · 0 comments

This is issue serves as a preparation for the upcoming deprecation of react-router v5 in app plugins.


Grafana 10 added support for using react-router@6 in your app plugins. While Grafana 10 and Grafana 11 are still supporting app plugins using react-router@5, this approach is becoming deprecated in Grafana 11 and we suggest that plugins update as soon as they can.

Deprecation notice (draft)

### Deprecating react-router v5 in plugins

#### You are affected if:
You’re a plugin author and you are using frontend routing in your **app plugin**.

#### Description
In Grafana 11 we are marking react-router v5 as deprecated, plugins should start migrating to use react-router v6.

#### Migration path
For a complete guide please follow our [migration docs on the developer portal](

#### Learn more
- [Grafana v9.x → v10.x migration guide](
- [Offical react-router v5 to v6 migration guide](
- [Grafana community forum topic](