Custom Datasource with QueryVariable
Closed this issue · 9 comments
I am playing with scenes. It works so far so good. But I have a lttle issue with gathering Query Variables from my custom datasource.
I see in the sourcecode the place
I am using the scafolded datasource.
import {
ScopedVars, DataQueryRequest, DataQueryResponse, LiveChannelScope, CustomVariableSupport,
} from '@grafana/data';
import {DataSourceWithBackend, getGrafanaLiveSrv, getTemplateSrv} from '@grafana/runtime';
import {BiQuery, BiDataSourceOptions, DEFAULT_QUERY} from './types';
import {merge, Observable} from "rxjs";
export class DataSource extends DataSourceWithBackend<BiQuery, BiDataSourceOptions> {
constructor(instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings<BiDataSourceOptions>) {
// Important to specify a unique pluginId and uid for your data source that is unlikely to confict with any other scene app plugin.
getDefaultQuery(_: CoreApp): Partial<BiQuery> {
applyTemplateVariables(query: BiQuery, scopedVars: ScopedVars) {
return {
service: getTemplateSrv().replace(`${query.service}`, scopedVars),
path: getTemplateSrv().replace(`${query.path}}`, scopedVars),
pathFilter: getTemplateSrv().replace(`${query.pathFilter}`, scopedVars),
filterQuery(query: BiQuery): boolean {
// return !!query.pathFilter;
// return false for preventing query from execution
return !!query.service && !!query.path
query(request: DataQueryRequest<BiQuery>): Observable<DataQueryResponse> {
if (request.liveStreaming) {
const observables =, index) => {
console.log(`liveStreaming request: ${query.service}/${query.path}`)
return getGrafanaLiveSrv().getDataStream({
addr: {
scope: LiveChannelScope.DataSource,
namespace: this.uid,
path: `${query.service}/${query.path}`,
data: {
return merge(...observables);
} else {
const observables =, index) => {
// console.log(`Query request: ${query.service}/${query.path}`)
return super.query(request);
return merge(...observables);
// return super.query(request);
did you register it with sceneUtils.registerRuntimeDataSource ?
or is it a separate plugin you have installed in Grafana?
It's a seperate plugin
you might need to set
this.variables to a StandardVariableSupport in your data source constructor
Oh perfect. That does the work realy. Thanks a lot.
Have only two questions for fulfil the here.
- Have extended a class
export class BiStandardVariableSupport extends StandardVariableSupport<DataSource, BiQuery, BiDataSourceOptions> {
toDataQuery(query: StandardVariableQuery): BiQuery {
const biQueryInstance: BiQuery = {
// How to get my query parameters here ?? the query.query contains the whole query
return biQueryInstance
2. How can Implent q variable query editor or use the standard query editor ?
The last push points to the problem.
The datasource.ts line 18 - 20 have three VariableSupport classes. You can change between them and maybe can tell me where is my config leaking. Thanks a lot @torkelo .
@suikast42 config leaking?
@suikast42 config leaking?
can't find it