
CLI commands do not work on Windows machine

abal3 opened this issue · 1 comments

abal3 commented

When running the CLI commands e.g. console.log(exec.command("date")); nothing is outputted to the console.
No errors are thrown either.

So there is a something strange when using this extension with Windows. I have noticed that the command runs/works but return nothing to the k6 terminal, just an empty line, like \n was printed.

I believe by default cmd is used to run commands. You can force it run as powershell console.log(exec.command("'powershell" ["date"]));

Anyways to overcome the issues with Windows I ended modifying this extension to use go-cmd using their buffer code example to return stdout and stderr. Disclaimer: I am new to go-lang & xk6-extensions

package cmd

import (


func init() {
    modules.Register("k6/x/cmd", new(CombinedOutput))

type CombinedOutput struct{
    Stdout string
    Stderr string

func (c *CombinedOutput) RunCmd(name string, args []string) bool {

	envCmd := cmd.NewCmd(name, args...)
	status := <-envCmd.Start()
	c.Stdout = strings.Join(status.Stdout, "\n")
	c.Stderr = strings.Join(status.Stderr, "\n")
	if envCmd.Status().Error != nil || len(status.Stderr) > 0{
		return false
		return true