
Client is outdated

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Latest API provided by code in grafeas uses "v1beta" API, so this client needs to be regenerated.

@lwindolf if you'd like to regenerate it and open PR, we welcome contributions!

I've seen several people try in the closed PRs. Given the problems with the broken swagger API JSON (POST URLs with wrong definitions) regeneration is IMO not possible. This is something only the Grafeas project can fix.

Yes, the Swagger API <-> proto bindings incompatibility is the reason these can't easily be auto-generated. There are 3 possible paths here:

  1. auto-generate and then fix the issues (e.g. grafeas/client-go#15),
  2. generate brand new client with the client methods implemented idiomatically,
  3. use protoc-generated code.

If you'd like to contribute 1) or 2), happy to review!

Sorry the CLA prevents me from contributing. Also I don't like the unapproachability of the project. Asking for potential users to fix what they need to approach the project in the first place is IMO not ok if this is to be considered an OpenSource project looking for a community.

FYI I blog posted on how to workaround the issue: Maybe this helps others.

Adding current set of maintainers @wkozlik @nyc for visibility, as I'm no longer maintaining this project.

nyc commented

I believe the issue that was mentioned previously should be fixed with grafeas/grafeas#532 so we can regenerate the client now. I'm also working on merging the Swagger files in v1beta1 so you don't have to generate two separate clients for the grafeas and projects services and eventually generating them in v1 so we can generate clients for all of the versions.