
Is it possible to use Grape to use this as a dependency in a local Groovy file?

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I am successfully using this plugin in Grails (many thanks btw!), but for iterative coding changes I'd like to just try using this library in some Groovy code in groovyConsole, and quickly try out changes before moving the working code back into my Grails project.

After looking at this page: , I tried adding this at the top of my groovy script:
@grab(group='org.grails.plugins', module='rest-client-builder', version='2.1.1')

But when I run the script, I get the following error message:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: org.grails.plugins#rest-client-builder;2.1.1: not found]

I also tried it this way, same result:
@grab(group='org.grails.plugins', module='rest-client-builder', version='2.1.1')
Appreciate any help on this.