Grails 5.1 multi plugin dependency issue
sghatuwa opened this issue · 0 comments
sghatuwa commented
We are working on a Grails upgrade from 3.1.6 to 5.1.7. In Grails 3.1.6, we are using multiple plugins and interdependent plugins and dependencies. But following the same process is not working for Grails 5.1.7.
For Grails 3.1.6
Main app: A (Depends on B)
Plugin: B (Depends on C)
Plugin: C
Suppose, if we have some services or files or dependencies in Plugin C, then we can easily access any file or dependency file of Plugin C from Main App A (Reason: Main App depends on plugin B and plugin B depends on plugin C).
But for Grails 5.1.7, we are not able to access the file of Plugin C from Main App A implementing similar approach.
Environment Information
- macOS Monterey, Windows 10
- openjdk zulu version "1.8.0_332-b09", openjdk version "1.8.0_181"
Sample Project: Grails 3 and Grails Project