grails-web-taglib:4.1.0.M3 bad JAR file structure breaks sitemesh layouts when running via JAR
mahileeb opened this issue · 1 comments
mahileeb commented
The grails-web-taglib 4.1.0.M3 jar has two META-INF/grails.factories entries in the zip manifest:
Archive: /Users/leebutts/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.grails/grails-web-taglib/4.1.0.M3/5336cff5cb5d53b6ae06611d5dbeb281dd7335b0/grails-web-taglib-4.1.0.M3.jar
Zip file size: 34973 bytes, number of entries: 47
-rw-r--r-- 2.0 unx 137 b- defN 20-Dec-14 17:04 META-INF/grails.factories
-rw-r--r-- 2.0 unx 183 b- defN 20-Dec-14 17:04 META-INF/grails.factories
47 files, 64608 bytes uncompressed, 27503 bytes compressed: 57.4%
The first smaller grails.factories is missing
This causes sitemesh layouts to fail when running via the executable jar (WebOutputContextLookup is not loaded so DefaultOutputContextLookup is used) but it works via run-app which for some reason will load the second entry.
mahileeb commented
Workaround is to add a copy of the correct grails.factories file to src/main/resources/META-INF