
Errors on Windows

phated opened this issue · 13 comments

With my work on getting the Grain compiler to work on Windows, I wanted to test the LSP. However, I ran into a couple of issues.

Upon startup, this is logged:

[1125/] CreateFile: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)

And then if I turn on tracing, I get this error a single time and then nothing else (even upon changing the file, etc):

Validating file:///c%3A/Users/User/GitHub/grain/

I think the compiler makes sure the file location passed, in this case /c%3A/Users/User/GitHub/grain/, exists before it will do anything.

I'll get this set up on Windows and take a look.

Thanks! There are a couple PRs that still need to land before the compiler will work on Windows from the master branch, but is building programs for me now.

LSP mode runs off stdin, so I test on a Mac like this:

cat | grain lsp

It still checks for the existance of the file for several reasons:

cmdliner is hard to understand - it would be good to be able to specify the file path isn't needed in lsp mode, but ...
I think the file path is used to resolve relative references, so I kept it in for safety.

Several things to look at - how Windows handles stdin, and that escaped path: /c%3A/Users

Does the file at that path exist btw?

I'm pretty sure it's the uri escaped path. The file exists at C:\Users\User\GitHub\grain\

Testing with a relative path probably won't work for this case because the vscode extension is passing an escaped absolute path.

Looks like this is a known issue that they don't want to solve upstream: microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node#105

Woot, I found the 2 problems. We actually need to default the command to grain.cmd and clean up that path escaping when on Windows!

I might not be able to submit a patch tonight, but I'll try to put something together when I have time.

Sorry, just waking up on this side of the world! I'll take a look at the path escaping - is grainc happy with Windows style paths internally?

Well, I just landed grain-lang/grain#433 which makes grainc accept either \ or / on Windows, so we don't really need to do any escaping. We just need to make sure that a Windows path doesn't start with / but instead a drive letter as the root, and that the colon is passed unescaped.

How do we solve the grain.cmd issue? I guess at the moment it can be set in the LSP settings, but not sure how to support dual names. I've not done any research yet tbh.

I think the easiest way is just to change the default based on the OS. I think there's a way to make cp.execSync handle the non-cmd version, but I don't want to research that 🤣

Fixed by #20