
How do you handle inputs with it?

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I've created a simple textarea without any logic except saving typed text in the state, and for it to work, I need to call the pluck method with any random property value. My question is: am I wrongly getting value from action, and if yes, how do I do it right?

Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 21 29 25

If I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve, you don't need a pluck at all.
The Flow is an Observable mapping from action to state.
In your case, the mapping can look like:

  Rx.startWith('initial value'), => {
      // here we need to transform action into the new state
      const newState = action 
      return newState

But since the action and the state has the same type, and the action already contains the new state, the mapping can be skipped:

const textareaFlow: Flow.For<typeof Textarea> = (actions: Observable<string>) => actions.pipe(
  Rx.startWith('initial value')

or even:

const textareaFlow: Flow.For<typeof Textarea> = Rx.startWith('initial value')

@akryvomaz, thank you for the quick answer!

But the issue is that all of the three described options above don't work - because the value in textarea doesn't change (you type, but it always remains initial value)

I think the problem you are having is because notify has type IO<void> (this makes it easier to use it in case when event handler does not need to transform the event, e.g. onClick={notify('clicked')} can be used instead of onClick={() => notify('clicked')()})

So you need to do it like this:

    onChange={(e) => {
      // notify is IO<void>, so need to call it as `notify(action)()` !

Here is a code sandbox

@yevhey JFYI I recommend using, so you don't suffer anymore from uncalled IO operations

Thank you all!