
label and t args are missing

Closed this issue · 3 comments

With docker one can build an image with
docker build -t myname:my_ver --label mylabel=myvalue .
rocker binary doesn't any of these

Should be easy to fix I suppose

You can do it with variables.

☁  cat Rockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
LABEL {{ .myLabel }}
TAG {{ .myTag }}%                                                                                                                           

# Just printing file whithout build
☁  rocker build --var myLabel="LABEL test" --var myTag=some:version --print
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
TAG some:version%

I think that way is much more cleaner that docker way, but we can discuss about feature parity of docker build.

Supporting this makes transitioning to Rocker much easier.

Thanks for requesting. Unfortunately, we are discontinuing this project. See the notice here:

Closing this issue as we are not able to implement it. Sorry.