
Request timeout on Supabase Edge Functions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Simply installing the plugin on Supabase will cause it to load indefinitely on each request and throw no error.
It was working before until recently I think.

Sample code for reproduction :

console.log(`Function "telegram-bot" up and running!`);

import {
} from "";
import {
  type ConversationFlavor,
} from "";

type MyContext = Context & ConversationFlavor;
const bot = new Bot<MyContext>(Deno.env.get("BOT_TOKEN") || "");

// Install the session plugin.
  initial() {
    // return empty object for now
    return {};

// Install the conversations plugin.
bot.use(conversations()); // comment this line and the whole app works fine

bot.command("start", (ctx) => ctx.reply("Welcome! Up and running."));

bot.command("ping", (ctx) => ctx.reply(`Pong! ${new Date()} ${}`));

const handleUpdate = webhookCallback(bot, "std/http");

Deno.serve(async (req) => {
  try {
    return await handleUpdate(req);
  } catch (err) {

Is this the exact code you used? You didn't add a storage adapter or anything before deployment?

This is just some sample code I was try with to test and see if it was really the conversation plugin that was faulty. I had been using the plugin and was working fine until now. I am not sure what the problems was or what had changed but removing the conversation plugin seem to be the fix.

I had try to add some storage adapter and it still not working. I tested with both Supabase and RAM adapter.

const storage = supabaseAdapter({
  table: "bot_session", // table name
// Install the session plugin.
  initial() {
    // return empty object for now
    return {};
  //   storage: new MemorySessionStorage(),

I'll take that as a yes. Does that same code work locally?

I have exactly the same issue. Script above pasted by @hoching87 works fine if you run it locally with deno, but not on supabase (supabase also has local development setup).

Simply running it with deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net --allow-run scripts/test.ts works.

Having said that there is still a type mismatch after new grammy version.