
conversation doesn't continue after using conversation.session

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I Used conversation.session to store data in session in middle of conversation and it looses track of conversation after sending one response!

conversation.session.facilities = await conversation.external(() =>
  await ctx.reply("please choose a facility", {
    reply_markup: facilitiesMenu,
  const { session } = await conversation.waitFor("callback_query:data");
  const facilityID = session.selectedFacility;

  await ctx.reply("Please send contact number.");
  const { message } = await conversation.waitFor("message:contact");

it goes down to "await ctx.reply("Please send contact number.");" but there is no response to sending contact after it

You have to use conversation.session always. ctx.session, which is what you're calling when you do const { session } = await conversation.wait…, is frozen in time and will not persist its changes. This is documented: