- 5
how can I use a name like 'isFavourite' in my class
#135 opened by BirdGuo - 10
Custom TypeAdapter for Pair (kotlin) not working
#116 opened by Bodo1981 - 6
- 6
- 2
java's reserved keyword in kotlin class
#137 opened by gyamoto - 2
Validate that kotlin version is at least 1.0.5
#131 opened by edenman - 1
Improve sample apps
#48 opened by grandstaish - 6
Exclude annotation in kotlin data class not working
#119 opened by Bodo1981 - 1
Lifetemplate Wiki Nitpick
#114 opened by PaulWoitaschek - 16
Questions for v2.x
#76 opened by kingsleyadio - 7
Doesn't work for multiple modules
#62 opened by tsuijten - 2
Create an annotation to ignore the count in the constructor (drop @Transient since it has semantics)
#60 opened by corlaez - 1
- 3
Improve instantiation strategy: if there are non-final accessible properties, these can be set directly
#54 opened by grandstaish - 3
- 1
- 2
Enums shouldn't use serialization
#51 opened by grandstaish - 1
- 1
- 6
parcel an interface
#88 opened by FrancoisBlavoet - 5
- 2
Add usage docs to the wiki
#46 opened by grandstaish - 1
- 4
- 3
#61 opened by pedronveloso - 3
- 1
Gradle build fails
#58 opened by sharondescalo - 3
Doesn't work with Kotlin 1.0.2-eap-74
#56 opened by NitroG42 - 0
Update AutoValue Dependencies to 1.2
#49 opened by grandstaish - 0
Determine behavior when writeToParcel is already implemented in an AutoValue class
#40 opened by grandstaish - 0
Improve instantiation strategy
#47 opened by grandstaish - 0
Update all Javadocs
#45 opened by grandstaish - 1
- 1
- 0
Add support for Kotlin object TypeAdapters
#42 opened by grandstaish - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Add a SetProperty to the list of properties
#37 opened by grandstaish - 0
- 0
Make a sample app mixing kotlin/auto-value/java
#33 opened by grandstaish - 0
- 0
Update AutoValue to RC1
#32 opened by grandstaish - 1
- 3
Proguard breaks beta6
#29 opened by Amagi82 - 0
- 5
- 2
support kotlin objects
#26 opened by loganj - 0
Travis build is broken, can't find android-23
#25 opened by grandstaish