[LeetCode] 175. Combine Two Tables
grandyang opened this issue · 0 comments
Table: Person
| Column Name | Type |
| PersonId | int |
| FirstName | varchar |
| LastName | varchar |
PersonId is the primary key column for this table.
Table: Address
| Column Name | Type |
| AddressId | int |
| PersonId | int |
| City | varchar |
| State | varchar |
AddressId is the primary key column for this table.
Write a SQL query for a report that provides the following information for each person in the Person table, regardless if there is an address for each of those people:
FirstName, LastName, City, State
LeetCode还出了是来到数据库的题,来那么也来做做吧,这道题是第一道,相对来说比较简单,是一道两表联合查找的问题,我们需要用到Join操作,关于一些Join操作可以看我之前的博客SQL Left Join, Right Join, Inner Join, and Natural Join 各种Join小结,最直接的方法就是用Left Join来做,根据PersonId这项来把两个表联合起来:
SELECT Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, Address.City, Address.State FROM Person LEFT JOIN Address ON Person.PersonId = Address.PersonId;
在使用Left Join时,我们也可以使用关键Using来声明我们相用哪个列名来进行联合:
SELECT Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, Address.City, Address.State FROM Person LEFT JOIN Address USING(PersonId);
SELECT Person.FirstName, Person.LastName, Address.City, Address.State FROM Person NATURAL LEFT JOIN Address;
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