
Addon is broken.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Looks like the most recent build as of this post (git.adfdae3fc2f4-windows64) has broken DNOISE. Throws off this error when attempting to enable.


Thanks for the heads up! This is because Blender now enforces a naming convention for method names and D-NOISE does not support this convention. I will have D-NOISE up and running again as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience!

Hi, Just wondering how the update is traveling? had the same issue this morning when i tried to install it,

oddly enough when I installed git.6815efc3ff85-windows64 to check out the build I had DNOISE enabled from an earlier build from where it still worked. DNOISE continued to operate normally. I did not dare to disable and reenable DNOISE to see if it breaks.