
panic occurred: interface conversion: resolvable.Resolvable is nil, not *resolvable.Object

thewillhuang opened this issue ยท 6 comments

hey guys, how do I get past this error and what am I doing wrong?

panic occurred: interface conversion: resolvable.Resolvable is nil, not *resolvable.Object

below I have my schema and resolvers for reference, thanks in advance for your help

scalar Time

interface Node {
  id: ID!

type User implements Node {
	id: ID!
	updated: Time!
	created: Time!
        name: String!
        email: String!

type Mutation {
	signup(name: String!, email: String!, password: String!): User

schema {
	mutation: Mutation
type Resolver struct{}

type Node struct {
	result interface{}

type Entity interface {
	Id() graphql.ID
	Created() graphql.Time
	Updated() graphql.Time

type userInterface interface {
	Name() string
	Email() string

type user struct {
	ID      graphql.ID
	Name    string
	Email   string
	Created graphql.Time
	Updated graphql.Time

type userResolver struct {
	u *user

// Signup mutation
func (r *Resolver) Signup(ctx context.Context, args struct {
	Email    string
	Name     string
	Password string
}) (*userResolver, error) {
	u := &user{
		Name:    args.Name,
		Email:   args.Email,
		ID:      "1",
		Created: graphql.Time{Time: time.Now()},
		Updated: graphql.Time{Time: time.Now()},
	return &userResolver{
	}, nil

// // user resolvers
func (u *userResolver) ID(ctx context.Context) (graphql.ID, error) {
	return u.u.ID, nil

func (u *userResolver) Created(ctx context.Context) (graphql.Time, error) {
	return u.u.Created, nil

func (u *userResolver) Updated(ctx context.Context) (graphql.Time, error) {
	return u.u.Updated, nil

func (u *userResolver) Name(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	return u.u.Name, nil

func (u *userResolver) Email(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	return u.u.Email, nil

I've seen that error before. When I encountered it it ended up being because I had forgotten to declare schema { query: Query }. (I had just declared my query type and went on my merry way.)

I think the problem in your case is that schemas must have a Query type. It's not optional. (See Initial Types from the spec: "The query type must always be provided, and is an Object base type.")

Try adding an empty query object to the schema:

type Query { }

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

This case should definitely panic with a better error message though, so IMO this issue should stay open.

oh doh....... thank you!

just tried it and it worked, thanks again really appreciate it ๐Ÿ‘

Np! I'm working on a PR btw to give a better error message in this case since it's an easy mistake to make.

Please what should be the datatype that will hold the value of graphql.Time in postgres?

I am having this error

converting argument $3 type: unsupported type graphql.Time, a struct

This issue has been fixed by #364
Now you would get an error:

root operation "Query" must be defined

This is the code that returns the error.