
GPX export - not only GPX track export possible

devnull4242 opened this issue ยท 12 comments

In the old version of Graphhopper e.g. there was the possibilty to export different type. I think there was almost GPX route and GPX track

Now i get with "Export GPX" an GPX file with waypoints, route and track. I must delete the not needed parts (for me wpt and rte on my own).

<wpt> </wpt>

Can you implement the old function to differ GPX exports between waypoints, route and track?

(please note the different issue tracker

I must delete the not needed parts (for me wpt and rte on my own).

Can you describe your problem in more detail? Why do you have to remove this? Is there an application that rejects using this GPX?

Sorry. Thanks for issue tracker tracker graphhopper-maps/issues

Yes there is a problem. If i use the output on a web based gpx viewer (e.g. ). Also if i use it on my Android device in the app OSMAnd. I do not want use routing on a hike tour or bike tour. I want use direct the track like hansel and gretel with bread crumbs. ;-) My software and i think also other software has problems with route and track in one single GPX file.

Sorry i do not have the old version of graphhopper-maps anymore (i use it only online on your website). Maybe you can look in an old version (few weeks ago). There was a possibilty after click on "GPX" to set option "route" or "track" export. Theen you got only parts of the full GPX informations (e.g. rte or trk).

Also if i use it on my Android device in the app OSMAnd.

I tried our GPX files with OSMAnd and they should work there and you can hide the waypoints there. (click on track -> folder icon top right corner -> disable icon)

Or what exactly does not work when you use our new GPX export in OSMAnd?

Yes it is possible. But on websites like i see the track, the route and the way points. Please test the website with a gpx file. Click "Durchsuchen" and choose the gpx file.

On OSMAnd i can navigate correctly with the route/track gpx file and deactivate waypoints. I tested it only with the track and only with the route in OSMAnd. The track gpx file works fine but the route point gpx file makes a bad incorrect routing. So their is maybe no problem in OSMAnd but in web GPX viewer like and maybe in other routing apps.

Why have you remove the function?

I also would like to have this functionality back. My old arguments and the discussion for the functionality about the Garmin tools and devices are still valid. Here is the relevant part:

I'm using a Garmin GPS. Waypoints are places, which are displayed on the map with an icon. Until now, I always had to remove the route part by hand. The turn instructions messed up the way points on the device, as it also generates a separate place point entry for every turn. As a consequnce you see nearly nothing except icons. And manual deletion of tlhe place point on the smal device is a real pain. Therefore, I think that by putting only the start, the via and the endpoint to the waypoints toghether with the possiblity to select "track" or "route" export allows the biggest flexibility for the end users, which we should reasonably support. If further flxibility is needed (e.g. remobval of elevation), the user always can use separate tools as e.g. gpsbabel.

Unfortunately this time I won't be able to provide a PR because I'm not (yet?) familiar with react/typescript. (๐Ÿ˜ข )

And what if we for now only include the trk entries until someone provides a better solution with a dialog or some settings? Would this be better compared to now?

Why have you remove the function?

We did not remove the functionality. We recreated the entire application and this functionality just wasn't replicated 1:1

And what if we for now only include the trk entries until someone provides a better solution with a dialog or some settings?

Yes, I aleardy did this in my branch. I cannot predict how many users might miss the waypoints or the route functionality, but I expect fewer complaints in comparison with the current behaviour. And it was the default setting.

Ok, have a look into the commit I just did. It should deploy in a few minutes.

Thank you, this looks good and it works as expected!

That solves all my problems. Now i get back the track that i and i think the most users only need from gpx export. In web gpx viewer e.g. all looks fine. And the navigation along the track with OSMAnd also works wonderfully.

Thank you very much for this nice software and the rapid optimization of the software.

Dear all,
I usually prepare my bike trips by selecting a few geocaches as waypoints, and linking them with a salesman traveller algorithm.
Now I miss the waypoints themselves when exporting the GPX to OSMAnd.

Hello, now i miss the functionality to export the waypoints and the details in the gpx file. Only track are available. I need all, waypoints, details and tracks. Please add this functionalities as it was in the old graphhopper maps.. Thank you.