
It is (too) hard to zoom to the current location

Closed this issue · 1 comments

easbar commented

To see the map at our current location we currently need to load the app, click the (from) input box and then hoose 'Current Location'.
This is rather cumbersome IMO (as opposed to a 'zoom to location icon', #282), but even worse is updating the location afterwards: When we click the input box again there are no auto-complete suggestions and to be able to tap 'Current Location' again we need to clear the input box. Without keyboard shortcuts (e.g. on mobile) we need to first select the text, delete it and then tap 'Current Location' again. It would already be an improvement if we could tap the input box (after selecting Current Location the first time) and then update the location by choosing an auto-complete item (instead of having to first clear the input field).

I think we can close here now that there is an extra "current location" button on the map and the "clear" button?