
Faceted Search: 'Refine your Search'

joshheyse opened this issue · 3 comments

Full Disclosure: This is my first PostGraphile (and graphql) app. I am definitely still learning.

I am trying to implement a search page with similar features to CDWs "Refine your Search" where the user can select 0 or more values from an attribute type, if no values are selected the attribute type filter is ignored.

Some SQL sudo code would be:

SELECT title, brand, processor, price FROM computers WHERE (
  (isNil($selectedBrands) OR brand IN $selectedBrands) AND
  (isNil($selectedProcessors) OR processor IN $selectedProcessors)

I tried to use query variables as the LHS for a condition, but couldn't seem to get that to work.

Is this possible to do with the plugin connection filter? Do you have any recommendations on this type of query?

@joshheyse you should have no problem handling this, just use the and field in the filter expression and add as many conditions as you want

If you set connectionFilterAllowNullInput: true via graphileBuildOptions, it will ignore any null properties in the filter input object. Here's a full example:

drop schema if exists app_public cascade;
create schema app_public;

create table (
  id integer primary key,
  title text,
  brand text,
  processor text,
  price numeric

insert into (id, title, brand, processor, price) values
  (1, 'Acer Chromebase', 'Acer', 'Core i3',  799.00),
  (2, 'Apple iMac', 'Apple', 'Core i5', 1499.00),
  (3, 'ASUS Vivo', 'ASUS', 'Core i5', 999.00);
const express = require("express");
const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const ConnectionFilterPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter");

const app = express();

  postgraphile("postgres://localhost:5432/issue_122", "app_public", {
    appendPlugins: [ConnectionFilterPlugin],
    graphiql: true,
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      connectionFilterAllowNullInput: true, // default: false

query Computers($brands: [String!], $processors: [String!]) {
  allComputers(filter: {
    brand: { in: $brands }
    processor: { in: $processors }
  }) {
    nodes {
// variables
  "brands": ["Apple", "Acer"],
  "processors": null
  "data": {
    "allComputers": {
      "nodes": [
          "id": 1,
          "title": "Acer Chromebase",
          "brand": "Acer",
          "processor": "Core i3",
          "price": "799.00"
          "id": 2,
          "title": "Apple iMac",
          "brand": "Apple",
          "processor": "Core i5",
          "price": "1499.00"

There are some caveats with this approach; see for more information.

[semi-automated message] I'm going to close this issue due to lack of activity, but please feel free to continue the conversation below. 🙂