
filter on specific date without caring about min/sec

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dijam commented

what is a good way to filter on specific date?
I am storing data as full date format with timezone like 2018-08-06T14:21:54+02:00 and I am trying to query for specific day like: 2018-08-06
There are only few functionalities available for Date field and none support something like includes.
Any suggestion?

ps: I know one solution would be making a function/store procedure in Postgres and then call it in the graphql but that is quite limited.

You're right. Currently you'd have to write something like:

query {
  allFoos (filter: {
    bar: {
      greaterThanOrEqualTo: "2018-08-06",
      lessThan: "2018-08-07"
  }) {
    nodes {

I can think of a few approaches:

  1. Expose the existing like operator, which would translate { bar: { like: "2018-08-06%" } } to a where clause of bar::text LIKE '2018-08-06%'. This would be also support queries on year, year-month, year-month-day-hour, etc.

  2. Create a new dateEqualTo operator, which would translate { bar: { dateEqualTo: "2018-08-06" } } to a where clause of bar::date = '2018-08-06'. This would likely be more performant, especially with an expression index.

@benjie, any thoughts?

Also, we may need to consider time zones.. 2018-08-06T14:21:54+02:00 will resolve to a different short date string depending on the time zone. Need to give this some more thought.

Thoughts on time zones..

The approaches described above would allow you to filter based on the time zone setting of the database (run show timezone; to check). So if your database is set to 'Europe/Stockholm', then you could filter for rows where the date portion of the 'Europe/Stockholm'-formatted timestamp is equal to 2018-08-06.

But if the database time zone is set to UTC, and you want to match on 2018-08-06 in a 'Europe/Stockholm' context, that'll be trickier. Some options:

  1. Run SET LOCAL TIME ZONE 'Europe/Stockholm'; at the start of the transaction (though this will affect the all date fields returned from the query, which could impact how you process dates client-side).
  2. Include AT TIME ZONE in the where clause, such as: (bar at time zone 'Europe/Stockholm')::date = '2018-08-06'.

Personally I’d stick with the “greaterThanOrEqualTo” / “lessThan” combo - it’s more flexible and more explicit. All my databases use UTC. I’m not comfortable exposing a “like” operator - serious performance/DOS issues there; beginsWith would be better.

Yeah, taking a fresh look at this, it really is implementation-specific and shouldn't be exposed by default.

For anyone that comes across this in the future, here's an example plugin that you can append after postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter to enable a datetimeStartsWith operator (but as Benjie mentioned, you should definitely consider the performance/DOS concerns):

module.exports = function PgConnectionArgFilterDatetimeOperatorsPlugin(builder) {
  builder.hook("init", (_, build) => {
    const {
      pgSql: sql,
    } = build;
      "Checks for date strings starting with this value.  Case sensitive.",
      fieldType => fieldType,
      (identifier, val) => {
        return sql.query`${identifier}::text LIKE ${val}`;
        allowedFieldTypes: ["Datetime"],
        inputResolver: input => `${escapeLikeWildcards(input)}%`,
    return _;