
Question: could you provide an example of using run to seed a database?

filipecatraia opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm not quite sure how run works, i.e. how to create the “templates” or how to create the seed files.

Would you kindly give me a quick explanation?

I don't mind then submitting a PR so that it becomes part of the documentation.

Thanks a lot!

Create a SQL file that does your seeding:

# seed.sql

insert into users (username) values

insert into posts (user_id, body)
  select id, username || ' is the best!'
  from users;

Run the SQL file:

graphile-migrate run seed.sql

If you are using placeholders, e.g. you have something like this in your gmrc:

  "placeholders": {

Then these placeholders (:DATABASE_VISITOR) will be automatically replaced if they exist in your file - this is the main reason (other than automatic connection string) that you'd use graphile-migrate run over psql directly - with psql you'd have to explicitly configure the placeholders.