
Use comments to show when fixtures were used

jcgsville opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature description

In experimenting with the new fixture feature, I noticed that:

  1. There is no way to tell in the committed migration that a fixture was used.
  2. When uncommitting a migration that used a fixture, the fixture contents are inlined back into the migration

It seems like it would be useful to include some comments that indicate it came from a fixture. Maybe something like


select 'foo';
--! include functions/hello.sql


create or replace function public.hello() returns text as $$
  select 'Hello, world!';
$$ language sql;

translating into 000001.sql

--! Previous: -
--! Hash: sha1:a62f7d32702b880992ad9e2a7753dd977267064a

select 'foo';

--! Included: functions/hello.sql
create or replace function public.hello() returns text as $$
  select 'Hello, world!';
$$ language sql;
--! EndIncluded

I'm not deeply familiar with naming conventions of the !-- comments, so of course feel free to suggest better names

Motivating example

I was messing around with the new fixture features and was curious how it handled unmigrations. Admittedly, unmigrating is not a common thing I do, so it's not a huge deal. But as I thought about it, I came to think that even including a comment in the final migration that the statements came from a fixture is a positive addition to help future readers of migrations understand how the migrations were written.

Breaking changes

It seems like a change like this would only affect migrations going forward, so hopefully no breaking changes for anyone who is already on the 2.0 release candidates.

Supporting development


  • am interested in building this feature myself
  • am interested in collaborating on building this feature
  • am willing to help testing this feature before it's released
  • am willing to write a test-driven test suite for this feature (before it exists)
  • am a Graphile sponsor ❤️ (Just at the "backer" level)
  • have an active support or consultancy contract with Graphile

I think it would be useful for the uncommit command to be able to replace these sections with the original --! include ... comments.