
Immutability and observability

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I've only played with spraypaint for a day now, but it is nearly everything I wanted in client-side modeling. Great library.

Since I do a lot of react-style UIs though, it would be really wonderful if this lib added observability (when attrs change) and immutability (as in immutable.js). That would make the circle complete for me.

So I guess this is a feature request.

Currently trying to figure out how to patch into the EventBus like I see in the source for observability:

EventBus.addEventListener(this.storeKey, this.onStoreChange())

But not successfully.

I've also implemented a super simple POC for making attr changes, but it's far from ideal:

const ApplicationRecord = SpraypaintBase.extend(
    static: {
      baseUrl: window.location.origin,
      apiNamespace: "/api"
    methods: {
      set: function(prop, val) {
        this[prop] = val

      notifyListeners: function() {
        this.changeListeners ||= []
          listener => listener(this)

      registerListener: function(listener) {
        this.changeListeners ||= []