
The Graph Explorer / some suggestions

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Since there have been many issues posted in this repo about Everest search, I am not sure if some already addressed The Graph Explorer, I tried to find them but I apologize in advance if I missed them.

Suggestions for the explorer:

  • Allow to search by developer not just by subgraph title.
  • Allow to simply click on the developer name in a subgraphs UI to list details about the developer (reputation) and show all his subgraphs
  • Allow to filter by networks, maybe also categories DeFi etc.
  • Flag deployed but unsynced subgraphs (for example a little red exlamation sign on the image).
  • From a design perspective , I always feel that the proposed subgraphs on the explorer landing page are just a little bit to big. Images could be a littler smaller without making the text unreadable.