
Update boilerplate setup

kbrandwijk opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Call gc deploy from install script
  • Remove default cluster from 'graphcool.yml'
  • Ping nearest cluster (for fullstack only) -> on hold until graphcool cli offers this again
  • Write endpoint to .env after deployment

^^ In all boilerplates

why do you want to ping the nearest cluster? I think the local cluster is the preferred option.

As discussed with @schickling, for fullstack boilerplates/examples, the (nearest) new public cloud cluster should be the default. For server boilerplates, there should be no default.

@schickling Can we put the install script in a separate package, and require that in the .install folder, instead of copy pasting the same install script to each and every boilerplate? This would make it a lot more maintainable, and you always have only 1 dependency for installation. is blocking for writing to the .env file