
.net core 7 AddAuthorizationRule not work

triumphtang opened this issue · 29 comments


builder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.AddPolicy("111", policy =>
        policy.Requirements.Add(new MinimumAgeRequirement()));

builder.Services.AddTransient<IAuthorizationHandler, MinimumAgeHandler>();

builder.Services.AddGraphQL(b => b


var app = builder.Build();





    public class Query
        public static CompanyEntity? companyEntity()
            return new CompanyEntity() { rowkey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CompanyId = "11", CompanyName = "12" };
        [Authorize(Policy = "111")]
        public static IEnumerable<CompanyEntity>? companyAll()
            return new CompanyEntity[] { new CompanyEntity() { rowkey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CompanyId = "A11"} };

MinimumAgeRequirement :

    public class MinimumAgeRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement

MinimumAgeHandler :

    public class MinimumAgeHandler : AuthorizationHandler<MinimumAgeRequirement>
        protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(
            AuthorizationHandlerContext context, MinimumAgeRequirement requirement)

            return Task.CompletedTask;

Error accessing "companyAll":

   "error": {
     "errors": [
         "message": "Access denied for field 'companyAll' on type 'Query'.",
         "locations": [
             "line": 10,
             "column": 3
         "extensions": {
           "code": "ACCESS_DENIED",
           "codes": [

Can you post a list of the GraphQL nuget packages you have installed ?

Thanks for you.
GraphQL.Server.All 7.2.0


public class IMS_Schemas : Schema
    public IMS_Schemas(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider)
        Query = new AutoRegisteringObjectGraphType<Query>();

I tested the code you provided and it seems to work for me. See PR #994 -- all tests pass, both successful and access-denied tests for the modified sample project:

  • Samples.Authorization.Tests.EndToEndTests.GraphQLGet_Success
  • Samples.Authorization.Tests.EndToEndTests.GraphQLGet_AccessDenied
  • Samples.Authorization.Tests.EndToEndTests.GraphQLPost_Success
  • Samples.Authorization.Tests.EndToEndTests.GraphQLWebSocket_AccessDenied
  • Samples.Authorization.Tests.EndToEndTests.GraphQLWebSocket_AccessDenied

Can you paste the app.UseGraphQL() call(s) that you have?

Can you verify that your [Authorize] attribute references GraphQL.AuthorizeAttribute and not Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization.AuthorizeAttribute ?

Can you verify that you are not referencing any other GraphQL nuget packages?

new GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground.PlaygroundOptions
GraphQLEndPoint = "../graphql",
SubscriptionsEndPoint = "../graphql",

[Authorize] attribute references GraphQL.GraphQLAttribute

Thank for you.

<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.All" Version="7.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="GraphQL.Server.Transports.AspNetCore" Version="7.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Reactive" Version="5.0.0" />


using GraphQL;
using KDRun.Model.GraphType.Common.Base;
using KDRun.Model.GraphType.IMS;
using KDRun.Service.ServiceAPI;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("111", policy =>
policy.Requirements.Add(new MinimumAgeRequirement()));

builder.Services.AddTransient<IAuthorizationHandler, MinimumAgeHandler>();


builder.Services.AddGraphQL(b => b



//builder.Services.AddCors(options => options.AddPolicy("all", p => p.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader()));

var app = builder.Build();






// configure the graphql endpoint at "/Common_Base_Schemas/graphql"

// configure Playground at "/Common_Base_Schemas/ui/playground" with relative link to api
new GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground.PlaygroundOptions
GraphQLEndPoint = "../graphql",
SubscriptionsEndPoint = "../graphql",

// configure the graphql endpoint at "/IMS_Schemas/graphql"

// configure Playground at "/IMS_Schemas/ui/playground" with relative link to api
new GraphQL.Server.Ui.Playground.PlaygroundOptions
GraphQLEndPoint = "../graphql",
SubscriptionsEndPoint = "../graphql",

await app.RunAsync();


using GraphQL;

namespace KDRun.Model.GraphType.IMS
public class Query
public static CompanyEntity? companyEntity()
return new CompanyEntity() { rowkey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CompanyId = "11", CompanyName = "12" };

    [Authorize(Policy = "111")]
    public static IEnumerable<CompanyEntity>? companyAll()
        return new CompanyEntity[] { new CompanyEntity() { rowkey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CompanyId = "A11" } };


I just realized what the issue is. Your authorization policy does not require the user to be authenticated, as it always returns Success. However, in our authorization attribute, we implicitly require the user to be authenticated before policies or roles are checked. See here:

And here:

And here:

And here:

And here:

This was implemented as an optimization so that policies need not be checked if the user is not authenticated in the first place. This may differ from ASP.NET Core's logic.

We can consider changing this in a future version of GraphQL.NET if you can provide reasoning why this should not be the case.

To change behavior in the current version of GraphQL.NET, you would need to:

  1. Inherit from AuthorizationVisitor and override ValidateAsync so it calls a custom implementation of IsAuthorizationRequired which only returns provider.GetMetadata(AUTHORIZE_KEY, false). See

  2. Inherit from AuthorizationValidationRule so it uses your custom AuthorizationVisitor implementation

  3. Call .AddValidationRule<MyAuthorizationValidationRule>() instead of .AddAuthorizationRule()

  4. Write a custom AuthorizationAttribute which sets the metadata directly instead of calling AuthorizeWithPolicy and AuthorizeWithRole.

  5. Use the custom attribute on your methods.

Another option is to use the authorization project. There are some limitations, such as AllowAnonymous and roles not being supported, but was designed to be able to be implemented without ASP.NET Core's authorization framework. I'm pretty sure it ignores the AUTHORIZE_KEY metadata (currently), and so would just run any policies through your implementation. In the future we may update the code to have the same logic as the one in this project, at which time it would not work for you anymore.

Another option would be to derive from AuthorizationValidationVisitor, and override IsAuthenticated to always return true. This is very simple to implement, so long as you have a policy or role defined for each method requiring authorization (and not just [Authorize]). Of course methods not requiring authentication would continue to work as intended.

Here is a sample of the latter:

public class MyAuthorizationVisitor : AuthorizationVisitor
    public MyAuthorizationVisitor(ValidationContext context, ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal, IAuthorizationService authorizationService)
        : base(context, claimsPrincipal, authorizationService)

    protected override bool IsAuthenticated => true;

public class MyAuthorizationRule : IValidationRule
    public virtual async ValueTask<INodeVisitor?> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext context)
        var user = context.User
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("User could not be retrieved from ValidationContext. Please be sure it is set in ExecutionOptions.User.");
        var provider = context.RequestServices
            ?? throw new MissingRequestServicesException();
        var authService = provider.GetService<IAuthorizationService>()
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("An instance of IAuthorizationService could not be pulled from the dependency injection framework.");

        var visitor = new MyAuthorizationVisitor(context, user, authService);
        // if the schema fails authentication, report the error and do not perform any additional authorization checks.
        return await visitor.ValidateSchemaAsync(context) ? visitor : null;

// remove builder.AddAuthorizationRule()

Thank you for your reply. In our plan, the authentication framework of .net core is not used. We customize the authentication process and combine it with radis cluster. When the user accesses a specific method, we use the custom authentication to check, that it is legal Let it go, and we will terminate the access if it is illegal.

Then perhaps you would just take the sample above, and instead of deriving from AuthorizationValidationRule, derive from AuthorizationValidationRuleBase and override all three methods: IsAuthenticated, IsInRole and AuthorizeAsync to fit your needs, skipping the ASP.NET Core authorization framework altogether.

Sample of the latter:

public class MyAuthorizationVisitor : AuthorizationVisitorBase
    public MyAuthorizationVisitor(ValidationContext context)
        : base(context)
        // optional: code to load the identity of the user here

    protected override bool IsAuthenticated => false; // implement your logic here

    protected override bool IsInRole(string role) => false; // implement your logic here

    protected override ValueTask<AuthorizationResult> AuthorizeAsync(string policy)
        => new(AuthorizationResult.Failed()); // implement your logic here

public class MyAuthorizationRule : IValidationRule
    // this is a singleton so there should be no user-specific code in the constructor

    public virtual async ValueTask<INodeVisitor?> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext context)
        var visitor = new MyAuthorizationVisitor(context);
        // if the schema fails authentication, report the error and do not perform any additional authorization checks.
        return await visitor.ValidateSchemaAsync(context) ? visitor : null;


Please note that if you add transport-level authentication requirements within the options of UseGraphQL, then you need to override the middleware authentication method(s) to tie it to your own implementation. However, you can instead just set an authorization policy on a schema or on the Query or Mutation or Subscription type as appropriate and just use your modified validation rule.

Thanks for your reply, I'll try it!

Thank you for your reply,

How to access http headers in Query or Mutation or Subscription method?


How to access http headers in MyAuthorizationRule?


Inject IHttpContextAccessor into the constructor of MyAuthorizationRule


public class MyAuthorizationRule : IValidationRule
IHttpContextAccessor _httpContext;
public MyAuthorizationRule(IHttpContextAccessor httpContext)
_httpContext = httpContext;

// this is a singleton so there should be no user-specific code in the constructor

public virtual async ValueTask<INodeVisitor?> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext context)
    var visitor = new MyAuthorizationVisitor(context);
    // if the schema fails authentication, report the error and do not perform any additional authorization checks.
    //return await visitor.ValidateSchemaAsync(context) ? visitor : null;
    return null;


I’d probably just pass the relevant header(s) into the visitor, but there’s a few ways to implement it. Is it working?

Yes, nject IHttpContextAccessor into the constructor of MyAuthorizationRule is good.

Another option is to use the user context builder to initialize the UserContext based on the HttpContext. Then both the validation rule and individual methods have access to it.

That's a good idea, how to do this:
"Another option is to use the user context builder to initialize the UserContext based on the HttpContext. Then both the validation rule and individual methods have access to it.",

Thank for you.

Here is a sample of the latter:

public class MyAuthorizationVisitor : AuthorizationVisitor
    public MyAuthorizationVisitor(ValidationContext context, ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal, IAuthorizationService authorizationService)
        : base(context, claimsPrincipal, authorizationService)

    protected override bool IsAuthenticated => true;

public class MyAuthorizationRule : IValidationRule
    public virtual async ValueTask<INodeVisitor?> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext context)
        var user = context.User
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("User could not be retrieved from ValidationContext. Please be sure it is set in ExecutionOptions.User.");
        var provider = context.RequestServices
            ?? throw new MissingRequestServicesException();
        var authService = provider.GetService<IAuthorizationService>()
            ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("An instance of IAuthorizationService could not be pulled from the dependency injection framework.");

        var visitor = new MyAuthorizationVisitor(context, user, authService);
        // if the schema fails authentication, report the error and do not perform any additional authorization checks.
        return await visitor.ValidateSchemaAsync(context) ? visitor : null;

// remove builder.AddAuthorizationRule()

Thank you. I just wanted to comment that I had the same problem building an internal enterprise application. This particular piece of code solved my problem.

@sungam3r Perhaps we should not check that IsAuthenticated == true before checking policy or role membership.

I just ran into the same issue. Setting IsAuthenticated == true solved it, but finding the reason for this behaviour caused some headaches.