
Examples don't work in Python 3.6

necaris opened this issue · 2 comments

See #10 -- while the examples work fine in Python 3.7, it would be ideal if we could make them work (or document where they don't) in 3.6

The issue seems to be here:

class DepartmentModel(pydantic.BaseModel):
    id: uuid.UUID
    name: str
    employees: T.List[T.Union[ManagerModel, EmployeeModel]]

employees is a Union of Manager and Employee, and Manager is a subclass of Employee. In 3.6, throws away direct subclasses in Unions, so in DepartmentModel.__annotations__, the employees field is listed as typing.List[__main__.EmployeeModel], and not typing.List[typing.Union[__main__.ManagerModel, __main__.EmployeeModel]] as in 3.7, so all of the introspection that we rely on has no way of knowing that employees is a Union of Manager and Employee, it just thinks it's an employee.

In the documentation for Union they explicitly note that subclasses are no longer thrown out as of python 3.7.

Closed by #12