
Directives for HTTP Metadata

jayadeba opened this issue · 1 comments

For GraphQL over HTTP it would be great to standardize few of the directives for describing HTTP metadata. These directives would be useful both for documentation and run time enforcement;

1-Directive for HTTP headers (request and Response) at an operation level
2-Directives for describing HTTP status codes at an operation level
3-Directive for uniquely identifying an operation ( This can be used for the purpose of linking the operation with API samples, error catalog etc.)
4-Directives for supported media types (produces and consumes) at can operation level
5- Directive for specifying security requirements at the operation level (e.g securing ana API operation using an OAuth2 scope is pretty common)

Other Directives (not related to HTTP in general but useful);

authPolicy- directive for specifying the security requirement for an API operation.
tags- For grouping API operations together (This helps wrt documentation to group similar API operations together. For example all wallet operations can be grouped under the tag "wallet-management")
slo-directive for specifying the service level objectives of an API operation (e.g. the 95th percentile response time, error rate etc.)
visibility- directive for API visibility (Public, private and partner public are pretty common categories in APIs).

Happy to discuss these and contribute back. We have many of them defined. We have many of these defined art PayPal. Happy to share them here.

Where exactly would those directives be defined, can you share an example schema/query?