
Sprites' ui.class is not always used

regan2 opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried to create several sprites, and gave each one a different class with the "ui.class" attribute. I found that only some of the sprites would use the style for their class, while the others fall back to the default sprite style.

My CSS looks like this:

        sprite {
           fill-color: red;
        sprite.class1 {
           fill-color: blue;
        sprite.class2 {
           fill-color: green;

If I set
"ui.class": "class1"
"ui.class": "class2"
for every sprite, some of them will still show up red.

I found a way around this, by setting ui.class after the graph is already displayed.

This issue appears similar to #66, but I am using GRAPH_IN_ANOTHER_THREAD.

I can't reproduce the issue, it work fine with me. If you found a way around then it's ok, but if you can provide us a simple and self contained example (SSCCE), that would be helpful.

Thank you, I ended up realizing my error. I had downloaded GS 1.3 but set version 1.0 as a dependency in maven by accident. It works fine in 1.3 for me as well.