
Unknown file formats have adwaita icon

SolsticeSpectrum opened this issue · 2 comments

I am running Chicago95 on latest Xubuntu
In this example the .xpi file is adwaita icon instead of Chicago95 icon

I've had a similar issue. I fixed it by doing the following:

  1. Go to /home/user/.icons/Chicago95/mimes/48/ (I'm assuming your icon size is 48 pixels)
  2. Here you'll need to create an icon called "application-x-generic.png" - I just copied the "text-x-preview.png" icon and renamed the copy.
  3. Open terminal and enter the following: sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /home/user/.icons/Chicago95/
    That should do it.
    Or, if you installed the theme as a root user, the path should be /usr/share/icons/Chicago95/mimes/48/.

@1chan-level-journalist Thank you so much! Yes that fixed my issue, also as a side note I did the same thing for all sizes, not just 48, aka 16, 22 etc ...