
self service wallet

Closed this issue · 5 comments

MVP: For self service the MVP is really just the current process of language and pin selection. The user is created but nameless and directoryless. Their airdrop should be less set by admin

See my Profile: Should always show the list (and say if missing or not)
Full name: (First and last or missing)
Gender: (Gender or missing)
Location: (Location or missing)
Business: (Business or missing)
If there are missing "Please enter your missing information."
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typo on 'mame"
and remove all full stops (.)

also make edit consistent ...
Change business becomes Edit business

if there is missing stuff - can we make the process continuous that it will jump from one to the next missing item? rather than a whole new session

In order to not loose the session: After each edit - can you say
Your change has been recorded
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typo on 'mame"
and remove all full stops (.)

also make edit consistent ...
Change business becomes Edit business

Same on swahili. Use 'weka' for all including Biashara
remove (.)'s

and add colons on the full view