
It never gets passed trying to install Playwright and then Docker

Opened this issue · 1 comments

AutoGPT version 0.30
Linux Mint
No Docker
Local memory

I have followed your instructions regarding how to install it.

I set up the following goals:


  • Log in to the Wordpress Dashboard at https://website/wp-login.php with username "username" and password "password"
  • Add a new post about AutoGPT that is SEO optimized for the word "autogpt".
  • Publish the post.
  • Send an email to hello@website with a report on what you did.
  • Remember to use the Web Interaction Plugin possible.
  • Terminate.
    ai_name: SEOEditorGPT
    ai_role: an AI WordPress SEO Editor that helps publishing SEO-optimized content on a website.
    api_budget: 0.0

I installed Playwright before running AutoGPT. I gave it feedback that Playwright is already installed.

It never understands that playwright is already installed.

Did you pip install playwright and then use playwright install before starting auto-gpt?