
WebCam - no module named gst

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New to PyBBIO - attempted to use example - it failed saying cannot import several modules - gst, sys, object, pygtk, Search on my Beaglebone did not find these files.
Went into the and under the WebCam directory and yep they expect those modules. All docs say they are now included in the latest PyBBIO and bbio.
Beagle bone Black C 3.8.13-bone70 kernel
all updates and upgrades say they are already up to date.

pip install --upgrade PyBBIO

pip install --upgrade Adafruit_BBIO

Do i need to install these modules separately ? if so from where?

GStreamer has to be downloaded for this to work. Sorry I forgot to put that on the wiki. Its updated now.
apt-get install python-gst0.10
apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins