
URLs are not URL-encoded breaking the markdown rendering in Mattermost

svnk opened this issue · 4 comments

svnk commented

We use the plugin in mattermost and have messages like this:

*New message in Graylog stream [Foo Exceptions]

the star () in q= is seen as ending the italic section leaving the message rendered as

New message in Graylog stream [Foo Exceptions](https://graylog/streams/58311e2b2ab79c080136c1d9/messages?q= &rangetype=relative&relative=3600)*:

(w/o the blank. the github markdown renderer is smarter than the markdown renderer of mattermost.)

If the URL is URL-encoded, this can be avoided.

I'll take a look at this.

Actually, with #60 in, the asterisk should be gone.

Not that this means, that this Issue is not relevant. But the newest build should work around it.

Ah, scratch that, there are two links in the message, and the second one is still broken.

Please merge PR #63 @Aenima4six2, tested here successfully