
wrong stream url after Graylog upgrade

masterjus opened this issue · 4 comments

Ho there,

We've upgraded our Graylog to the version 5.1.1. They changed stream search url from https://grayloginstance.url/streams/<stream_id>/messages to https://grayloginstance.url/streams/<stream_id>/search and now when we click to the stream name to check what happens, we see the 404 page.

I'm not familiar with plugins for Graylog building and don't know how to check Graylog version, so not able to make PR.

The issue could be fixed here

return baseUrl + "streams/" + stream.getId() + "/messages?q=%2A&rangetype=relative&relative=3600";
is the line that creates the problem.

I think here should be applied a fix. I should look like return baseUrl + "streams/" + stream.getId() + "/search?q=%2A&rangetype=relative&relative=3600";

Replace messages to search