
$22 it does not affect homming

silvanopas opened this issue · 5 comments

I can't activate homing, I put $ 22 = 1 but nothing changes, am I doing something wrong?

What are the values for $44, $45 and $46? These are the axis masks for which axes to home during pass 1 to 3.

If all are 0 nothing will happen on a $H command. BTW do you get an error response when homing?

Ok, if you want to home Z first then X and Y you have to set $44=4 and $45=3.

More info here.

where can i find information on these parameters? ($44 $45 $46)

One option is to use inbuilt help from a terminal:

$help homing lists all homing related settings, with a description in the latest build.

$$=44 for info about setting 44...

This wiki page has information about new settings as well.