Closed this issue · 2 comments
I ran ...
PBjam version == 0.1.7
ep = pb.kde(verbose=True)
result = ep(dnu=dnu, numax=numax, teff=teff, bp_rp=bp_rp)
and got the following message:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 ep.plot(pg);
AttributeError: 'kde' object has no attribute 'plot'
If this has really changed so the kde no longer has a plot method then we need to update the examples to reflect this.
@nielsenmb Is this part of your new plotting revamp. Can we add a method to kde called plot that calls your new fancy plotting?
plot() is ambiguous, so it's plot_spectrum() now. I updated the example-star.ipynb, but apparently not the advanced one, can you change it?
Also this is the least informative issue title ever