
TS flattening should be based on input numax

nielsenmb opened this issue · 4 comments

In session.clean_lc() the light curve is flattened. This is currently using the default setting which I think is 401 cadences (regardless of long or short cadence).

This might have adverse effects for stars with numax at a comparable frequency (period).

The number of cadences to flatten with should be based on the input numax with a ceiling of some value (401?).

Agreed! We should set the smoothing to be something like t_smooth = x / (numax) where numax is in Hz and x is some number greater than 10. I think that makes sense. If numax is very very uncertain we should raise a warning.

Yes - we came across this agin the other day. @nielsenmb we need a plan on this. Shall we look at it tomorrow in WorkingWithYou?