
kenburns-dom standalone usage

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When using kenburns-dom standalone, the start method
deviates from the kenburns module (runStart and run).

Also, runStart of kenburns-dom apparently also doesn't
return a promise or callback for the finish of the animation.

gre commented

things are a bit weird coupled I admit. Maybe all of these should just be one package because it's a bit confusing.

But basically, kenburns-dom / kenburns-core is not meant to be used directly. It's an hidden dep. only kenburns should be depend on.

kenburns expose DOM which is the dom implementation.

If I have time, I should try to regroup things in one directory. I also imagine we could require("kenburns/dom") later so only the dom impl get actively imported so it reduces bundle size. but it's an optim...

gre commented

I've released a major version of the library (2.0.0) that have a new documentation.

checkout also the example:

You now only need to use the library kenburns and no more kenburns-dom.

To use the dom implementation:

import KenBurnsDOM from "kenburns/lib/DOM";
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "400px"; = "400px";
const kenBurnsDOM = new KenBurnsDOM(div);
// kenBurnsDOM.animate(...).then(...);
// kenBurnsDOM.animateStep(...);
gre commented

animate(image, fromCrop, toCrop, duration/*, easing*/) runs the animation and returns a Promise.
if you want finer control, animateStep(image, fromCrop, toCrop, progress) allows to render one frame of the animation. It's lower level but you can do whatever speed / easing / interruption / ...